Monday, June 2, 2014

The life cycle of a star.

WE have been learning about the life cycle of a star. We have watched videos and read books to help us find the important information. Below is what we have found out. We have highlighted the key words from our research.

Particles of hydrogen and dust are in space.

This cloud is called a nebula.

This move around space all by themselves floating on the solar winds.

Gravity is trying to squash this cloud together.

It pushes and squashes them.

When the hydrogen pieces bang together they let off energy.

When the pieces of dust and hydrogen are tightly packed together, the forces of energy cause the cloud to ignite.

This is now called a star.

Stars slowly expand as they use up their energy.

Towards then end of their life they expand quickly and become a red giant star.

When they run out of fuel, two things can happen.

1. They can burn out their fuel and shrink and darken until they become a brown dwarf.

2. They can explode into a supernova. This spreads the remaining element back into space so the hydrogen can start its journey again.

Sometimes these supernovas collapse in on themselves creating a high gravity field that sucks in everything including all the light. We call these black holes.

Below are some of the children from Room 3 showing you, using drama, the life cycle of a star.

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