

We have been learning about different shapes- circles, rectangles, squares, ovals, triangles, hexagons and octagons.

Our group used lots of these shapes to make pictures.

Here is one of the pictures we made.

March maths learning.

Number knowledge

We are learning the numbers to 10.


  We can put them in order from 1 -10.

We are learning what numbers come before, after 
    and between.

Skip counting  

We have also been learning to count in 2's. We use a number chart to help us count in 2's forwards and backwards.

Today we made patterns of 2 by threading and then we skip counted.

Making the number in play dough

 Making number sentences- adding using a dice

Sheep farming- we rolled the dice and put the number of sheep (blocks) in our farm paddock. then we rolled the dice again and put that number of sheep in the paddock as well. then we wrote the number sentence and worked out how many sheep were in the paddock altogether.


  1. Very clever learning Room 7. Maria says "good Job"


  2. We are all clever at maths. Arjun said " I had fun building the 10 stair"
