
Your children bring homework home every Monday night. 

Every week your son/daughter will be provided with a homework sheet. The goal is for students to complete part of this sheet every night, to reinforce what they are learning in the classroom. If necessary, please go over the homework with your child. You may need to support them with clarifying instructions. We expect a high standard of content and setting out. Each child is asked to complete the work to the best of their ability independently. This is part of preparing and reinforcing our tamariki as self – managing learners.

Term 2

Term 2 Week 5

Term 2 Week 4

Term 2 week 3

Term Two Week 02

Term Two Week 01

Week 10 Homework

Here is the homework learning for Week 9  -      (March 31- April 4)

1 comment:

  1. good job on the homework room 7 :) this makes me proud
