Monday, June 9, 2014

Storybot videos about space

Her are some of the songs we like that the Storybots sing.

They are full of interstesting facts

The first one is about the moon.

In this video we learnt that:

  • light shines from the sun and reflects off the moon
  • the moon orbits the Earth
  • Earth and the moon orbit the sun
  • When the earth turns it makes day or night
  • The moon makes different shapes in the sky every month
  • It looks like it disappears but it is still there, just dark
  • the moon is covered in dust and rocks

This is the Earth song. In this video we learnt that:

  • the sun gives Earth its heat and light
  • Plant need the light  and heat to grow
  • the Earth is covered in water

This is a song about the planets

  • there are 8 planets
  • they orbit the sun
  • Mecury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
  • The first four planets are made of rock
  • the last four are bigger and are made of gas.
  • They have rings of rock around them
  • Many planets also have moons that orbit them
  • Uranus is on its side

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