Monday, March 10, 2014

Te tuhi Art Centre Trip

Our Trip
On Tuesday, Totara team went on the bus to the Te Tuhi Art centre in Pakuranga so that we could learn about shapes, art and architecture. 
First we got on the bus and drove there. Then we met Jeremy and he showed us where we would do our art. Next we made our dream houses out of shapes and glued them onto boards. After that we went outside and looked at some sculptures. Finally we went on the bus back to school.

Lilly Time

To make our dream houses we needed a painted background, some shapes, a pair of scissors and a glue stick.

Here we are doing the art work.

This is Jeremy. 
He was the teacher at the Arts centre. He helped us with our art and showed us around.

When we finished making the dream houses we went for a walk around to look at the other artwork that was on show.

We then went outside to see the sculptures. 

This sculpture looks like the block tower we were making in maths time.

If you look at our learning page you will see our towers.

This sculpture is made to move. The artist wanted to the wings on the sculpture to go up and down as the weather changes.

 The wooden posts sit in trays of water that make the post go up and down as they fill up or dry out. 

You can also push the end pieces of wood and the rollers underneath move the wings from side to side.

These are pictures that other children have made with triangle shapes.

 These big paintings were made by children from a kura kaupapa (school) in Glen Innes.

We could see lots of shapes in the details of the paintings.

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