Sunday, February 16, 2014

Our first writing

Here is Room 7. 

One of the first things we wrote in Room 7 was about ourselves.
We wrote about our age, our hair and eye colour and about something that we love.

Come and read our stories and find out our ideas.

Portrait Making

This term we are exploring different ways that we can express ourselves in Art.

Our first piece of art was to look at ourselves in a mirror and see what features we have and where they are place. 
Although our faces are all different some parts of our faces are the same.We found that we have eyes,  a nose, a mouth with teeth and lips, eyebrows, eyelashes and some of us even have freckles. We looked at the different colours of our skin, eyes and hair. 

After that we looked again in the mirror and decided where the features would go on our face. We found that are eyes are actually in the middle of our face and the top of our ears are in the same place but at the side of our head. We knew our nose went in the middle and our lips, teeth and mouth were underneath. When we drew a portrait of ourselves, we tried really hard to out our features in the right place. 

Here are our portraits. 

We hope you like them. You can see them much better in class, so please come along and visit us in Room 7 so we can show you how clever we are.

Values Wall.

We have been talking about the things that make us special and what we value in ourselves and others.

We made these shields. They tell you one thing that makes us, and one thing that makes our class unique and special.

Come to our class and read what we think!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Learning buddies

Room 13 is our buddy class. On Friday they came to visit us.

We talked about what we wanted to learn from each other and some of the things we would like to do and share.

Then we chose our buddies and got our photos taken.

After that we went outside and played shadow tag and did some relay races.

Learning Numbers 1-10

Today in class the circle maths group were learning about the numbers 1-10 by making a 10 stair. 

We had to use the blocks, count them to make sets of different colours.  We put them together to make a stair.

It was pretty easy for our group. Here are some pictures of the stairs to 10 we made.

Relationships- What are they?

Room 7 are learning about relationships and how they affect us. 

Today we thought about what the word "Relationships" might mean.

We talked with each other and came up with some ideas.

These are what we thought it might "Relationships" are- 
  • something you read about in books
  • a ship
  • something we learn
  • about letters that get made into a book
  • something we learn
  • talking
  • chips
  • a type of weed
  • when you have a relation like a Mum and a baby

Tonight we are going home to ask our family if they know what relationships are.